El principal objetivo de la educacion de los ninos es su utilidad para mejorar calidad de vida presente y futura en todos los ambitos, “social, cultural, psicologico”; es decir, lograr que, a traves de su educacion, mejore su comportamiento personal en relacion con los demas.  Partiendo de esta premisa la educacion musical puede aportar mucho para el cumplimiento de este objetivo. La musica es un fenomeno fisiologico natural, intimo y personal, que se encuentra dentro de cada persona -la voz-y del sentido de la audicion; responden a eventos emocionales que se presentan en el pulso, la respiracion, la adrenalina, asi como el flujo, tal como lo senala Willen (1994). La utilizacion de la musica como medio de ensenanza en la actualidad es muy importante porque a traves de ella el estudiante desarrolla destrezas y actitudes que le motivan a realizar acciones de integracion y solidaridad social que beneficia de manera significativa a los grupos donde el estudiante de desenvuelve y aplica la conducta aprendida a traves del coro. En este sentido, la practica coral durante la infancia se esta erigiendo como una herramienta de primer orden para favorecer la convivencia escolar. El beneficio de desarrollar las habilidades cognitivas socio - afectivas a traves de la practica musical es considerar al estudiante protagonista de una experiencia musical compuesta por actividades que salen de la cotidianidad, pero que no dejan de proporcionar conocimientos teoricos y ademas potencian el desarrollo de la sensibilidad, la creatividad y habilidades intrapersonales e interpersonales. PALABRAS CLAVE: Educacion musical; aprendizaje; habilidades cognitivas; didactica;  pedagogico. MUSIC AS A MEANS OF TEACHING-LEARNING OF THE CHILDREN OF THE GABRIELA MISTRAL INITIAL EDUCATION CENTER OF THE PORTOVIEJO CANTON ABSTRACT The main objective of children's education is its usefulness to improve present and future quality of life in all areas, "social, cultural, psychological"; that is, achieve that, through their education, improve their personal behavior in relation to others. Starting from this premise, music education can contribute a lot for the fulfillment of this objective. Music is a natural, intimate and personal physiological phenomenon that is found within each person -the voice- and the sense of hearing; respond to emotional events that occur in the pulse, breathing, adrenaline, as well as the flow, as pointed out by Willen (1994). The use of music as a means of education today is very important because through it the student develops skills and attitudes that motivate him to perform integration and social solidarity actions that significantly benefit the groups where the student develops and apply the learned behavior through the choir. In this sense, choral practice during childhood is being established as a tool of the first order to favor school coexistence. The benefit of developing socio - affective cognitive skills through musical practice is to consider the student protagonist of a musical experience composed of activities that come out of everyday life, but that do not stop providing theoretical knowledge and also enhance the development of sensitivity, creativity and intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. KEYWORDS: Music education; learning; cognitive skills; didactics; pedagogical.
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