Helical CT angiography for examination of living renal donors

This prospective study was intended to determine if helical CT arteriography plus conventional radiography is sufficiently accurate to replace and less costly than excretory urography and conventional renal arteriography, the techniques currently used to examine living renal donors.Patients underwent CT arteriography with a helical CT scanner. Conventional radiographs were obtained during the pyelographic phase to evaluate the urothelium. Findings on CT arteriograms were compared with findings on conventional arteriograms and at surgery.Of 57 patients who underwent CT arteriography, 46 also underwent conventional arteriography and 40 underwent surgery. For those 46 patients, we found agreement between results of CT arteriography and conventional arteriography in 89% of kidneys. For those 40 patients, we found agreement between results of CT arteriography and findings at surgery in 90% of kidneys and agreement between results of conventional arteriography and findings at surgery in 87% of kidneys. Of the 5...
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