[Genetic diagnosis of phenylketonuria: identification of the mutations of phenylalanine hydroxylase gene by PCR direct sequencing].

: To investigate the mutations of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene in Orientals, direct sequencing was conducted on DNA fragments amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, using solid phase technology involving the biotin-streptavidin system. Four mutations possibly associated with phenylketonuria (PKU) were identified in a Chinese and four Japanese patients. A novel Arg158 (CGG)-to-Trp158 (TGG) mutation was identified in exon 5 of the PAH gene in a Chinese PKU patient. The second change was due to a G-to-A transversion at the last base of intron 4. The third change was a compound heterozygote; one mutation was a G-to-A transversion at the last base of intron 4. The other was a G-to-C transversion at the second base of codon 413, which resulted in a substitution of Arg(CGC) by Pro(CCC) in exon 12. The last change was due to a Tyr204(TAT) -to-cys204(TGT) mutation in exon 6 of the PAH gene in two Japanese. This preliminary study revealed a novel PKU mutation and considerable genetic heterogeneity in the PAH gene among Orientals.
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