The proposed eco-town in Whitehill-Bordon: the concept and the problems of community integration

This study set-out to investigate the reasons eco-towns where brought into being and sought to identify the resulting strains that fulfilling such demands may place upon the stakeholders to the proposed eco-town in Whitehill-Bordon. The report finds that conflicts between what are proposed and what is wanted is a weighted argument with potential disadvantages being cancelled out by the potential advantages of the development, successful implementation crucially hinges upon the need to affirm that sufficient infrastructure is in place, especially where transport links are concerned. Secondary research investigated the ideology behind the concept of eco-towns revealing the environmental, economic and social demands that they aim to remedy. Establishing relevant background information enabled the generic model of eco-towns to be applied to proposed eco-town location of Whitehill-Bordon. Examining the economic, geographic and demographic characteristics of the area brought to light the potential strains such a proposal might have upon the area providing a sound basis to carryout primary research. The primary research focused upon analysing people’s attitudes towards the proposed eco-town. Testing people’s perceptions and linking the data back to findings from the literature review enabled plausible explanations for such views. The general consensus was one of divided opinions and mixed views towards the prospect of an eco-town. A common ground shared by the majority was the feeling that the development was being forced upon the area. The mixed response highlighted by the questionnaire were mirrored in the interviews with each party giving his own ‘for’ and ‘against’ reasons in respect of the proposed eco-town in Whitehill-Bordon. Emphasis was placed upon the need for sufficient infrastructure to support such an imposing development.
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