Mandatos populares:: proyecto político para ordenar los territorios desde la autonomía y la participación efectiva, el caso del comité de concertación social de pueblorrico – cocosop. (2014- 2017)

This chapter aims to analyze through the case study and the clinical method, the experiences of indigenous, peasant and local communities, belonging to social organizations in the southwest of Antioquia, in this case the Western Environmental Belt (COA) and the Committee of Pueblorrico Social Agreement (COCOSOP), it has built the concept of popular mandates and the possible impact on the legal system and political agendas of Colombia. The purpose of this academic instrument is contextualize on the advances in the matter of social participation in the Municipality of Pueblorrico and how, it through the community experiences, the concept of popular mandates and community life plans has been developed, as essential tools to influence the formulation, discussion and elaboration of municipal agreements, norms and the incidence in the territorial planning schemes, in order to resignify the right to demand, emphasizing how territorial autonomy through these social practices, should be regarded as a project political that invigorates democracy, participation and pluralism enshrined in the general clause of the Social Rule of Law.
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