Soft tissue tuberculosis: a series of 11 cases.

Objective. To describe the clinical characteristics of soft tissue tuberculosis (TB). Methods. Retrospective review of all cases of soft tissue TB seen by the authors. Results. Eleven cases were seen between 1988 and 1994. All patients but one were foreign born. Six patients had collagen vascular disorders and another had a kidney transplant. Five were taking immunosuppressive therapy and/or prednisone. Three had preceding trauma to the affected area. Five had evidence of previous TB by history or chest radiograph. Symptoms (mean duration 4.4 months) included swelling and pain and often mimicked the underlying disease. Six patients had definite or suspected active TB at other sites. Good initial responses were seen with debridement or drainage and multiple drugs for 6 to 12 months. Two patients have had possible relapses at other sites. Medication intolerance was frequent. Conclusion. TB should be considered in patients who present with unexplained soft tissue swelling and pain, particularly if they are immunosuppressed, were foreign born in an endemic area, have an abnormal chest radiograph, or have had trauma to the affected area.
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