A synthetic geochemical and geochronological dataset of the Mesoproterozoic sediments along the southern margin of North China Craton: Unraveling a prolonged peripheral subduction involved in breakup of Supercontinent Columbia

Abstract Controversial issues on the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic tectonic setting of the southern margin of North China Craton (NCC) restricted our understanding of its role in breaking up the Columbia/Nuna Supercontinent. Existing models are still arguing on whether the southern margin was an intra-continental rift or active continental margin. Previous studies mainly focused on the magmatic records in the Paleoproterozoic Xiong’er Group, while the overlain sedimentary series and their depositional nature and the related tectonic environment were not yet well constrained. In this study, we scrutinized the comprehensive geochronological and geochemical dataset for the Mesoproterozoic sedimentary rocks along the southern margin of NCC. Our new results, together with the previous geochemical data show that the interior part of NCC southern margin (e.g. Wufoshan Group of the Song-Ji area) is dominated by the materials from the mature continental crust. Approaching the marginal area of southern NCC (e.g. Gaoshanhe and Guandaokou Groups of the Xiaoqinling-Luanchuan area), sediments are more enriched in magmatic arc fragments and unfractionated materials. Detrital zircon geochronological results revealed a progressive younging tendency from the northern Song-Ji to southern Xiaoqinling-Luanchuan areas. Together with the newly-reported zircon hafnium data, the synthesized dataset in this study favors the hypothesis that the southern NCC during the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic was in an active continental arc setting under a prolonged peripheral subduction regime, which was surrounding the marginal areas of the Columbia/Nuna Supercontinent.
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