Sodium, potassium and magnesium dynamics in soil-plant-animal continuum.

This study was carried out to evaluate the macro mineral status in dry-non pregnant cows at Rural Domestic Farm. Soil, forage, and blood samples were obtained four times and after wet digestion were analyzed for macro minerals. Effect of sampling periods on soil sodium and Mg, forage K + and Mg +2 , and plasma Na + and K + was found to be significant while the reverse was true for other minerals in different parameters. Soil Na + and Mg +2 , forage Mg +2 and plasma Mg +2 was lower than the requirements of grazing livestock while the soil K + forage Na + and K + and plasma Na + and K + were higher than the critical levels recommended for livestock. Based on these results it can be concluded that need of the soil amendment with fertilizers and supplementation of grazing animals with the mixture mineral deficient in forage and blood plasma is not warranted but occasionally supplementation would alleviate the potential hazards of deficiency of these elements in farm animals.
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