Lesions in sheep following administration of a vaccine of a Freund's complete adjuvant nature used in the control of ovine paratuberculosis.

Abstract CASE HISTORIES: Occurrences of adverse reactions in seven sheep flocks in Australia following vaccination against paratuberculosis where veterinary attention was requested are reviewed. All cases occurred within the 3-year period following commencement of use of a vaccine of a Freund's complete adjuvant nature, at a time when approximately six million doses of vaccine had been administered. CLINICAL FINDINGS: In the first case, 26/58 (45%) Merino sheep vaccinated as adults had palpable tissue reactions at or near the site of vaccination; enlarged prescapular lymph nodes were palpated in 17 (29%), and nine (16%) sheep had both palpable lesions at the site of vaccination and enlarged prescapular lymph nodes. The reactions included caseous nodules up to 5.5 cm in diameter. In the other cases, fistulating or granulomatous wounds were occasionally found at the recommended site of injection behind the ear, and myiasis was rare. Occurrences of inappropriate choice of injection site were recorded, includ...
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