Why We Don't Value Stirner in the Study of "German Ideology"

The construction process of the main theory of Marxism starts from the criticism of the subject of self-awareness.Stirner is a critical role in prompting Marx and Engels' criticism on Feuerbach.About two-thirds of "German Ideology" focuses on the criticism to Stirner who encountered Marx and Engels with the nihilism problems,but in our research we do not pay due attention to this point.On the contrary,we attach more importance to the part of criticism to Feuerbach which constitutes only ten percent of the book.The main reason is that,since 1949,the social development of China has not faced the question raised by Stirner,and we have not experienced the effect of what nihilism means to people in the plight of secularization which Stirner mentioned.In addition,what Engels narrated in "Feuerbach and the End of German Classical Philosophy",the traditional philosophy and thinking pattern also play a significant role in the process of cleaning up what Stirner raised.Nowadays,We should pay equal attention to Marx's animadvert on Stirner and on Feuerbach in our study.
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