Анализ ценностных ориентаций студентов высшего учебного заведения

Article is devoted to studying and the analysis of valuable orientations of students of the higher educational institution which is training in pharmacy. As a result of sociological research in which basis M. Rokich´s method is put, the main terminal and tool valuable reference points of respondents are established. It is revealed that orientations to own wellbeing, so for example are most expressed, among terminal values leaders became: health (3,68 rank – the smallest rank from 18 was appropriated to the most significant reference point); love (4,82); family (5,54); friends (6,57); self-confidence (6,71). The analysis of influence of social and demographic characteristics of respondents on priority of values for them is carried out. It is established that by the end of training the importance of such instrument of achievement of the vital purposes as education increases: rank of this value at first-year students 6, and at those who already finishes training 2.The result of research can be used when developing motivational programs for students, and also during the studying and design of standards of behavior of students in higher educational institutions, etc.
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