Содержание матриксных металлопротеиназ 2, 7, 9 типа и их тканевого ингибитора 2 типа в опухолях больных раком желудка

The results of the research of the level of matrix metalloproteinase of the 2, 7, 9 type (at 67, 67 and 61 patients accordingly) and their tissue inhibitor of the 2 type (at 41 ill) in tumor tissue having stomach cancer are given. It is revealed that the significant growth of the level of MMR-7, MMR-9 and MMR-2 in the tissue of tumor concerning non-changing gastric mucosa. Thus, median of matrix metalloproteinase of the 7 type in the tumor is 1.1 ng/mg and in the non-changing mucosa 0, MMR-9 150 and 77.9 ng/mg accordingly, MMR-2 32.66 and 15.9 ng/mg accordingly. Exceeding the level of inhibitor TIMP-2 in the tumor tissue was not statistically important. The frequency of exceed of the content in tumor of different indices is studied. And of all types of MMR the frequency of exceed of indices was maximum 80.2 % at the 2 type. The frequency of exceed of level of matrix metalloproteinase of 9 and 7 types in tumor tissue considering non-changing mucosa was 72.1 and 70.1 % accordingly. The frequency of the simultaneous exceed of content of MMR-7, MMR-9 and MMR-2 types was revealed at 26 of 61 (42.6 %) ill having stomach cancer. The received results prove an important role of matrix metalloproteinase in tumor progression.
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