Variability of adult cerebrum mass of the Saratov-city residents

The research aimed to study the age-gender variability and extreme variants of individual cerebrum mass of Saratov citizens. Material and methods - Cerebrum preparations from 191 dead bodies of adults of 21-90 years were used as a material for the research. The whole material was divided into 4 age groups: the 1 st group - the 1 st adult period and 43 cerebrum preparations (26 male, 17 female); the 2 nd group - the 2 nd adult period - 82 preparations (66 male, 16 female); the 3 rd group - the elderly age period - 34 preparations (16 male, 18 female); the senium age - 32 preparations (16 male and 16 female). The cerebrum was taken apart from the spinal cord at the border with the medulla oblongata and was weighed on analytical balance to within the accuracy of 1.0 g. Results - The cerebrum mass of Saratov adult citizens was 1323.69±19.81 g (M±SD) (without including gender and age groups). For men it was 1371.05±20.39 g, for women - 1236.05±32.51 g, i.e. the cerebrum mass of men is more than the women's one in average for 135 g (10.9 %) (Р>0.05). The cerebrum mass decrease is registered at the 2 nd adult period, which becomes more evident at the senium age. Thus the cerebrum mass at the 1 st and the 2 nd adult periods differs authentically from its value at the senium age, and at the 1 st adult period it differs from its value at the elderly age as well (P<0.05). Considerable individual cerebrum mass variability has aroused the necessity to specify the groups of its extreme variables. An average cerebrum mass is at 47.1 % of Saratov citizens. Small, extremely small, and below average cerebrum mass is registered at 25.2 % of Saratov citizens, and large, above average, and extremely large mass - at 13.6 %. Conclusion - Thus the cerebrum mass of Saratov citizens subjected to age-gender variability which lies in the fact that male cerebrum is heavier comparing with female cerebrum, and the cerebrum mass is been decreased from the 2 nd adult period. The described cases of a large cerebrum mass at an elderly age, and of small and extremely small cerebrum mass at the 1 st and 2 nd adult periods, as we think, are connected with the individual variability of subjects' skull forms and volume.
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