Эзофагоколонопластика при рубцовых послеожоговых стриктурах пищевода

Experience esophagocolonoplastic 64 patients with cicatricial narrowings a gullet after its chemical burn is presented. In 55 cases it is executed shunting esophagocolonoplastic. Extirpation a gullet with its one‑stage replacement it is executed to 9 patients. Thus to 3 patients «bottom» anastomosis it is imposed with a duodenal gut, at 5 patients with an allocating loop of a lean gut. In 2 cases, in a kind expressed post burn defeats of a stomach with the expressed cicatricial deformation of a stomach, development of ulcers in a stomach it is executed gastrectomy. In the given situation anastomosis colonic a transplant with a stomach was it is impossible. «Bottom» anastomosis colonic a transplant it is imposed with a duodenal gut. 17 patients during the early postoperative period had a partial inconsistency esophgocoloanastomosis which is stoped by conservative methods. In the remote postoperative period of complication have arisen at 22 patients. Most often observed a stenosis esophagocolonoanastomosis at 20 patients, thus 14 patients in the anamnesis had an inconsistency anastomos in the early postoperative period, a ulcer colonogasroanastimosis or a transplant at 3 patients, a superfluous loop of a transplant at 9 patients.
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