Bochdalek hernias in infants: factors determining mortality.

Summary From 1950 through 1974, 76 infants with Bochdalek hernias have been surgically repaired. Mortality has been confined to those admitted at under 30 hr of age, and the highest mortality has been among those infants admitted within the first 8 hr of life. A recent increase in mortality is explained by the arrival of a new group of infants who arrived intubated, had large diaphragmatic defects, required postoperative ventilatory assistance, and had hypoplastic lungs at autopsy. Six infants might have benefited from an early intervention to hasten closure of their patent ductus arteriosus. Since we cannot be positive that intubation of these infants prior to arrival will not have a deleterious effect, we urge great discretion in choosing which infants to intubate.
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