Use of the Multi-Response Permutation Procedure and Indicator Species Value for the statistical classification of the gypsicolous Iberian scrub communities

Abstract Mota, J. F., J. A. GARRIDO-BECERRA, F. J. PEREZ-GARCIA, A. J. SOLA & F. VALLE (2010). Use of the Multi-Response Permutation Procedure and Indicator Species Analysis for the statistical classification of the gypsicolous Iberian scrub communities. Candollea 65: 117–134. In English, English and French abstracts. The Iberian gypsophilous scrub communities, belonging to the phytosociological order Gypsophiletalia (Bellot 1952) Bellot & Rivas Goday 1957, are considered as priority ecosystems for conservation because of their richness in endemic and s tenoecious species. Six complete revisions and a number of partial revisions of Gypsophiletalia have been published up to now, producing over 100 phytosociological tables and about 800 vegetation releves. This large amount of information has been analysed here to reevaluate this phytosociological order. The statistical techniques of Multi-Response Permutation Procedure (MRPP) and Indicator Species Value (IV) have been carried out on this data set and the r...
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