High-Performance CLL Resonant Multi-Channel LED Driver for Lighting Application

This paper presents a multi-channel, current-balancing coordinated light-emitting diode (LED) driver that employs a primary buck converter and a secondary two-stage CLL resonant-based inverter. The proposed LED driver is engineered with a switch-mode voltage regulator that maintains high power dissipation, controls current-carrying capacities respecting to load using half-bridge inverter coupled to a CLL resonant tank, and pose operating cycle uniformity at multiple current source outputs by cascaded balance capacitor-based transformers with voltage-doubler architectures. Conjointly, utilization of high switching frequency (282.7kHz) is endorsed to curtail current ripple deviations and stimulate balanced current distribution based on load capacities. Using PSIM simulation environment, the proposed multi-channel LED driver is evaluated to view its performance against dynamic installation of multi-stringed LEDs connected at variegated capacities. Succeedingly, development of a hardware prototype is annexed. The acquired simulation and hardware tests’ results have validated optimal coordination of current distributions for unbalanced loads (LEDs) across multiple channels.
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