Nuevos discursos en el neofascismo: un análisis cualitativo de la organización española Hogar Social

In the context of the current economic crisis and a general disaffection with liberal democracies, far right parties and organizations are increasing their political influence all over Europe. These organizations have a new discourse, derived from the so-called Nouvelle Droite, and built around the defense of a supposedly threatened national identity and the rejection of the economic and political elites and the prevailing political system. In this article, we analyze the public discourse of the Spanish neo-fascist organization Hogar Social, in order to assess its affinity with the new discursive strategies of the European far right. To this end, we have carried out a qualitative analysis on a sample of posts published by Hogar Social on its Facebook page. Results show that the organization mainly focuses its discourse on the denunciation of what they conceive as a cultural decline in both Spain and Europe. They believe this decline has been caused by the economic and political elites and is related to different factors such as the change in gender roles, immigration, the Islamic threat and a divided national community. As a solution, Hogar Social proposes the coming together and mobilization of the Spanish working class in order to recover the rights seized by the elites. The article confirms that the neo-fascist organization Hogar Social uses a discourse which is very similar to that of the European far right.
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