تعلیل احادیث صحیحین

It is unique and high distinction of the Muslim Ummah that they have saved the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There have been high profile scholars who had dedicated their lives for the investigation of veracity and authenticity of Ḥadīths. They have been sifting the narrators of Ḥadīths through the myriad of resources to endorse or reject the authenticity of Ḥadīths. Amongst these eminent scholars, Imām Abū Ḥātim and Imām Abū Zur'ah, who made great contribution in the field of Elal Ḥadīth. Both criticized Aḥādīth some of which are quoted in Sahih Imām Bukhārī and Sahih Imām Muslim. Both books have always been taken as an authentic source for the veracity of Aḥādīth. However, they have pointed out a few such aspects which are vital for keeping the veracity and authenticity of Aḥādīth. This article is an attempt to study those Aḥādīth as quoted in the two above mentioned books and were criticized by Imām Abū Ḥātim and Abū Zur’ah in their book Elal Ḥadīths, by comprising with sayings of the concerned scholars. The most accurate aspect has been elaborated.
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