How to Accurately Report Transparent Luminescent Solar Concentrators

Chenchen Yang joined the materials science program at Michigan State University in 2015 to work under Prof. Lunt in the Molecular and Organic Excitonics Lab. He earned his B.E. from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2012. Then he obtained his M.S. from the University of Florida in 2015. His current research focuses on transparent solar cell synthesis, fabrication, and characterization. Dianyi Liu obtained his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Lanzhou University in 2009. He then worked as a postdoc at Peking University, the University of Saskatchewan, and Michigan State University. He began as an assistant professor at Westlake University in January 2019. His research interests include flexible electronics, optoelectronic materials, and devices. Richard R. Lunt is the Johansen Crosby Endowed Professor at Michigan State University in the Departments of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science and Physics. He earned his B.S. from the University of Delaware and his Ph.D. from Princeton University. He then worked as a post-doctoralresearcher at MIT. His group focuses on understanding and exploiting excitonic photophysics and molecular crystal growth to develop unique thin-film optoelectronic devices. He is known for his pioneering work on transparent solar cells and concentrators.
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