Un dispositif numérique de soutien à la collaboration: L'exemple d'une refonte de programme

This article presents the empirical results of a study aimed at describing the use of the SharePoint environment as a digital device to support collaboration between different trainers (with different statuses) of a teacher education program. Since 2017, the University of Sherbrooke's Bachelor of Education in Preschool and Elementary Education (BEPP) is undergoing a major overhaul of its program. This overhaul is based on the creation of a program based on a professionalization pathway. This Sherbrooke expertise in program development is supported by the Training Support Service and requires the collaboration of all program stakeholders (professors, lecturers and pedagogical advisor) involved in the courses as well as in on-the-job training. The SharePoint environment has been identified as a device to support this collaboration. Based on the data provided by the traces left by the users of this device and by identifying indicators of collaboration, we wish to take an evaluative look at the capacity of this device to support collaboration. This exploratory and descriptive study documents the implementation of SharePoint to support collaboration between January 2018 and June 2019. From the frequencies observed, a positive evaluation of the device to support collaborative work emerges. We will make pragmatic recommendations on how to guide the collaborative work that could inspire other teams wishing to take advantage of this environment.
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