The Personal Identification Chord: A Four ButtonAuthentication System for Smartwatches

Smartwatches support access to a wide range of private information but little is known about the security and usability of existing smartwatch screen lock mechanisms. Prior studies suggest that smartwatch authentication via standard techniques such as 4-digit PINs is challenging and error-prone. We conducted interviews to shed light on current practices, revealing that smartwatch users consider the ten-key keypad required for PIN entry to be hard to use due to its small button sizes. To address this issue, we propose the Personal Identification Chord (PIC), an authentication system based on a four-button chorded keypad that enables users to enter ten different inputs via taps to one or two larger buttons. Two studies assessing usability and security of our technique indicate PICs lead to increases in setup and (modestly) recall time, but can be entered accurately while maintaining high recall rates and may improve guessing entropy compared to PINs.
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