Stimulated scattering of radiation at interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with dense plasma

ABSTRACT We have found out that in the case of the laser pulse with pico- or subpicosecond duration its energy part, scattered via SBS in the strongi y i nhomogeneous short p1 asma, reaches the val ue of fracti on of percent for the intensity of W/cm2 , if there is rio prepulse, and for the intensity of 1O W/cm , if such a prepulse is pr esented . Thi s fact may be of use i n the exper i mental eval uati on ofthe pul se contrast val ue and influence. I NTRODUCTI ON The development of CPAbased (Chirped Pulses Amplification) lasers made possible the generation of super-intensity ultrashort pulses and I t was i nduced the great i nterest to the investigations f distinctions of nonlinear interaction of the pulses with the plasmaThe stimulated Briliouin scattering (SBS) is fundamental nonlinear process with low threshold by comparision and which is determiriatedeasily in the experiments. The SBS was investigated in detail for the 1 ong pul ses' . The anal ysi s of the SBS I n undeense p1 asma for the
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