A Study on Redesigning Modern Healthcare Using Internet of Things

In today’s fast world owing to advancement in medical technology, health care has become one of the most striking application areas for the Internet of Things (IoT). There is a huge competition in building up high-speed healthcare services. The IoT has the perspective to offer many medical applications such as remote health monitoring, elder care, and chronic diseases especially heart disease monitoring and emergency support for the needy people. The study suggests a system that will improve the performance of health care even in the rural areas. Tracking patient’s location, sensing parameters like blood pressure, glucose, breathing rate and automatic data collection, and analysis of the data will take the IoT to the next level of healthcare applications. State-of-the-art IoT healthcare system built with Decision Support System (DSS) will definitely help the patients and doctors in critical conditions. Proposed work targets Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) with IoT application.
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