Development of an IL-15–autocrine CD8 T-cell leukemia in IL-15–transgenic mice requires the cis expression of IL-15Rα

IL-15 has growth-promoting effects on select lymphoid subsets, including natural killer (NK) cells, NK T cells, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), CD8 T cells, and γδ-T cells. Constitutive expression of murine IL-15 in IL-15–transgenic mice was reported to cause T-NK leukemia. We investigated whether IL-15 expression is sufficient for leukemic transformation using a human IL-15–transgenic (IL-15Tg) mouse model. We noted that 100% of the mice observed over a 2-year period (n > 150) developed fatal expansions of CD8 T cells with NK markers, and determined that these cells expressed IL-15 receptor alpha (IL-15Rα). The expression of IL-15Rα on CD8 T cells appears to be required for uncontrolled aggressive lymphoproliferation, because none of the IL-15Rα−/−–IL-15Tg mice that we followed for more than 2 years developed the fatal disease despite controlled expansion of CD8 T cells. In addition, in contrast to IL-15Tg mice, in which leukemia-like CD8 T cells expressed IL-15Rα persistently, acutely activated normal CD8 T cells only transiently expressed IL-15Rα. Inhibition of DNA methylation enabled sustained IL-15Rα expression induced by activation. We present a scenario for IL-15Tg mice in which CD8 T cells that acquire constitutive persistent IL-15Rα expression are at a selective advantage and become founder cells, outgrow other lymphocytes, and lead to the establishment of a leukemia-like condition.
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