An Analysis of Directive Speech Act in Furious 7 Movie

Directive speech act is the actions performed via utterance to get thehearer to do something. Directive speech acts are often used by people every dayin social interactions. Through directive speech act, has several purposescommand, advice, ask, request, and many others. To realize directive speech actsin communication, people use different strategies. The strategies used in speakingdepend on the situation when speaking. Directive speech acts can be found invarious media such as magazines, films, newspapers, books, etc.Therefore, thisresearch aims to describe the types of directive speech acts and strategies torealize directive speech acts used by characters in Furious 7 movie.Searle (1976) classifies types of directive speech acts such as: requesting,asking, commanding, suggesting, ordering, questioning, seeking confirmation,seeking information, how-to-instruction. Communication strategies are veryimportant in directive speech act. Politeness is directly related to speech actsbecause certain speech acts contain actions that threaten the face (FTA). As in theaction there is an FTA. Therefore a strategy is needed to maintain self-esteem sothat the interlocutor still feels valued.Brown and Levinson (1987: 60) identifiedfour politeness strategies that speakers can apply, namely (1) Bald-on RecordStrategy (without strategy), (2) Positive politeness, (3) Negative politenessstrategy, (4) Off-record politeness strategy.This research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. Theresearch data were taken from directive speech acts in conversations betweencharacters in the movie. In conducting the research, the writer did research steps,there are collecting, analyzing, and presenting the data of research findings andfinally, drawing conclusions from the results obtained.The result of research indicates fifty data of directive speech act. Thewriter found four types of directive speechacts in conversation between thecharacters inthis movie. There are requesting, commanding, suggestion, andasking. From fifty data that found, there are 8 data in request, 40 data incommand, 1 data in suggest, and 1 data in ask. To realize directive speech acts,the characters use different strategies. The strategies used by the characters indirective speech acts found in the movie arebald-on record, positive politeness andnegative politeness. From fifty data of directive speech acts that found, there are32 data used bald-on record strategy (Without redressive action), 15 data usedpositive politeness, and 3 data used negative politeness.Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that there are somepoints which can answer the formulation of the problems.The classification ofdirective types that occurred in the conversation of the character in the Furious 7movie includes four types, request, command, suggestion, and asking. On thisresearch, the writer found 50 data. There are 8 requesting, 40 commanding, and 1suggestion, and 1 asking. In this research on thismovie, commanding acts ismostly used in conversations between the characters because this movie is anaction movie that tells the story of war between teams that make the characters inthis movie often use directive speech acts of commanding.Previously stated that directive speech act refers to the words used to makethe listener to do something, so in this movie the speech act of commanding ismostly used.In thismovie the characters used three strategies, there are withoutredressive action (Baldly) and with redressive action (Positive Politeness andNegative Politeness). The writer found 32 data in this movie that used the strategyof without redressive action (Baldly), there are 30 data used in command and 2 inrequest. The writer found 18 data that used the strategy of with redressive action.15 data used positive politeness, there are 5 data used in request, 9 data used incommand, and 1 data used in suggestion. Only 3 data used negative politeness, itis 1 data used in request, 1 data in command and 1 data in asking. In this researchon the Furious 7 movie, the characters most commonly used the strategy of baldon record or without redressive action (Baldly).It can be seen from theconversation of the character. In the Furious 7 movie, the factors that influencethe character more often use direct strategies are in addition to this film is anaction film, the characters are in a hard life that make them accustomed to speakwithout redressive action (Baldly).The strategy of without redressive action(Baldly) most commonly found in commanding acts.From explanation above, itcan be concluded that every conversation has many directive speech acts, and inconversations there are also differences in the strategy communication of eachcharacter. Whatever directives speech act chosen, the important thing in directiveis how to make the listener do something.Keyword: directive speech act, communication strategy,furious 7 movie
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