A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme in Improving the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Plotting of Portograph Among Nurses Working in Labour Room

Active management of third stage labour has three sample components. Administration of appropriate uterotonics (oxytocin/misoprostol) immediately after the delivery of the baby controlled cord traction and uterine massage. Partograph is a very simple tool to note down the progress of labour and it alerts the user to decide on future course of action. For the leading obstetricians in India and the teachers in the medical colleges, there is nothing new about active manage- ment of third stage of labour and partograph. No one has got any doubt on the benefits of active management of third stage of labour and partograph .The precise timing of medical intervention for women in prolonged labour in the subject of a considerable debate. The partograph action line is a tool to assist practitioners in the correct diagnosis of prolonged labour. Despite its widespread use, the precise timing of the action line has not been rigorously studied, and women's views have rarely been sought. The aim of this study was to assess the effect on maternal satisfaction of managing labour using partograph with action line drawn at 2,3 or 4 hours to the right of the alert line To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge and practice regarding plotting of partograph among nurses working in labour room of selected hospitals. There is marked improvement of score the post test is evident as 100% of sample had excellent score. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between pre and post test knowledge and practice score. The result of this study shows that the most of the nurses had excellent knowledge and practices after giving Planned Teaching Module between pre and post test knowledge and practices regarding plotting of partograph among nurses working in labour room The various findings of the study show that in pre- teaching phase almost all the samples except few were having lack of knowledge regarding Objective of partograph, Components of partograph, Uses of partograph, Advantages of partograph nurses gained their knowledge in basic things, as they can disseminate the knowledge among the other nurses and nursing students, and ultimately na- tion will be benefited. Reinforcement continuation is required to keep the update of gained knowledge.
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