Abitudini alimentari della popolazione giovanile presente nel territorio della Bassa Val di Cecina

Healthy and well balanced diet habits are significant factors of nutritional and healthy status. In order to check and estimate the presence of thinners, excess weight and obeses in young population, and to supervise and prevent wrong diet habits we have leaded an epidemiological research, making the survey of (I) diet habits and consumptions, (2) daily and habitual activities and (3) some anthropometrical parameters (weight and height). This research is make up by the distribution of a multiple questionnaire of self-data registration. The weight-body estimate was made by the Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) calculation second these values: B.M.I. 30 (obeses). The 75% of young people was in normal weight, while thinners, excesses weight and obeses respectively were the 10%, 13% and 2% of the whole population. The average consumed diet have these energetic and nutritional features: (a) normal calorific and satisfactory energy average needings; (b) unbalanced in nutritional components: (i) in young men, an average diet with low levels of carbohydrates, high levels of fats and low levels of vegetable fibre; in young women, an average diet with high levels of proteins and phosphate, and low levels of iron and vegetable fibre. In conclusion, it's obvious the need to do some aimed interventions of health education for improving diet habits of young people, promoting the consumptions of starchy foods and protective foods like fruits and vegetables, well-known sources of vitamines, mineral salts and fibre. L'enquete, sous forme de questionnaire, est menee en Toscane, dans la vallee de Cecina, sur une population de jeunes gens (14-18 ans). 75% ont un poids normal. Des desequilibres dans l'alimentation sont notes chez les jeunes hommes: regime pauvre en glucides et en fibres et riches en lipides. Pour les jeunes femmes: regime riche en proteines et en phosphate et pauvre en fer et en fibre. Des interventions d'education nutritionnelle sont donc encore necessaire sur cette population.
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