On Deciding Behavioral Properties for Petri Nets: Timed-Arc Petri Nets and their Extensions

The Petri net model is well known in the field of model checking and behavioral properties of it have been well studied in recent years. Properties such as reachability, coverability, deadlock and liveness have all been shown to be decidable for this model. However the Petri net model lacks the ability to model real time systems and therefore, a timed extension of it, the timed-arc Petri net model, was introduced. However, decidability of all the behavioral properties mentioned above has not been studied in timed-arc Petri nets to the same extent as in regular Petri nets. In this paper we give results for decidability of all of these properties for the timed-arc Petri net model, as well as other extensions of that model, defined completely by us or inspired by the work of others.
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