Evaluasi Pengaruh Dampak Desentralisasi Fiskal Terhadap Outcomes Bidang Kesehatan: Suatu Kajian Empiris Terhadap Pencapaian Visi Indonesia Sehat 2010 Dan Dalam Rangka Pencapaian Millenium Development Goals 2015 Di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat

The study was conducted to analyze the impact of fiscal decentralization and its impact on each local government performance indicators in the health sector, whether local governments are able to realize the vision of Towards a Healthy Indonesia 2010 and the vision of Health 2010 in West Sumatra as well as how government policies in the face of MDGs Year 2015 . This study uses secondary data and primary data obtained through interviews with stakeholders and the public health literature for references relating to the performance of field variables and measurement “kesehatan”.Operasionalisasi variables in this study refers to the health ministerial decree number 331/Menkes / SK/V/2006 dated May 11, 2006 were tested using regression analysis. Obtained from research conducted that only 5 (five) districts / cities in West Sumatra, which has allocated budget expenditures in health, there are 8 (eight) districts / cities that have achieve the target of life expectancy that has been set, the negative effect of fiscal decentralization infant mortality rate and a positive effect on life expectancy, and yet there is a special program within the framework of the MDG's. MDG's program looks just deposited on a routine program that has been run by the local government and central government programs.
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