Meeting the Needs of Diverse Populations : An Overview and Commentary

the last 5 years, there has been a proliferation of research and literature emphasizing colorectal cancer (CRC) screening for all individuals aged 50 and older, and also to lessen the disparity in outcomes among minority and underserved groups. However, significant disparities persist in CRC screening among various population subgroups, includi g non-white, less educated, and lower income individuals. The 3 articles in this sectio address some of the gaps in CRC screening research among minority and underserved populations. Two of the articles present preliminary reports of efforts to a apt current evidence-based screening promotion i terventions that can be applied to minority populations. The third describes the process of cultural adaptation after assessing the efficacy of an i tervention for increasing CRC screening. Although cultural and contextual adaptatio of evidence-based interventions may make CRC screening promotion interventions more acceptable, the challenge of how to increase adherence to recomme ded CRC screening guidelines among underserved populations remain. Disparities in health outcomes will persist as long as large segments of the US population have limited or no access to prevention and early detection intervention programs. There is a need to build programs for prevention and early detection based on the existing research evi ence. The extent to which such programs are established can eit er enge der or undermine trust in society's promise to all Americans that early detection leads to cure.
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