Slow cooling dynamics of the Ising p-spin interaction spin-glass model

We have studied dynamical behaviour of the infinite-range Ising spin glass model with $p$-spin interaction above and below the transition into the non-ergodic phase. The transition is continuous at sufficiently high external magnetic field. The dynamic critical exponent of the power-law decay of the autocorrelation function at the transition point is shown to decrease smoothly to zero as the field approaches the ``tricritical'' point from above; at lower fields the transition is discontinuous. The {\it slow cooling} approach is used to study the nonergodic behavior below the transition at zero external field. It is shown that the anomalous response function $\Delta(t,t')$ contains $\delta$-function as well as regular contributions at {\it any} temperature below the phase transition. No evidence of the second phase transition (known to exist within the static replica solution of the same model) is found. At lower enough temperatures the {\it slow cooling} solution approaches the one known for the standard SK model.
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