The Educational Upliftment of Dowendraden People in the University Grants Commission

The Introduction of modern education was an event of great historical significance, probably the most enduring result of the British rule in India in the intellectual development of the people on a new line, and the consequent changes in their Political, Social, Religious and Economic out took. In addition to that local bodies constitute the strength of a free nation without which a nation cannot enjoy the spirit of liberty. India has own social and cultural identity better economic opportunities and upward  social mobility are the two reasons which make move number of youngsters in India to enter the institutions of higher education. But this type of education benefited mainly the higher order of the society. A concept pertaining to the value and necessity of education from the point of view of the individual as well as society varies from society to society and from age to age. Education is considered as a value in itself because it leads to the development of the overall personality of the individual.
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