Los nuevos perfiles profesionales como elemento transformador de la industria publicitaria

This study starts from the following premise: the advent and widespread use of digital technology has introduced profound changes in the way we communicate and has significantly affected advertising effectiveness. The project starts from the following main hypothesis: brands require a profound change in their persuasive keys in order to achieve their goals in the digital age (H1). This change leads to the need to generate new professional profiles (H2). The appearance of these new profiles affects agencies’ structures (H3). In order to validate or refute this, the research team employs a methodology addressing the issue from a holistic perspective, taking into account the latest developments in the theoretical framework as well as the views of experienced professionals. To this end, the research has been conducted through in-depth interviews to planners and creative directors, one focus groups and one Delphi at the end to confirm the results. These results have been structured in 6 items. The results highlight the need for advertising professionals to effectively manage the language of the new media. In addition, the need to avoid stereotyped advertising and gain real relevance among people is desirable. Finally, changes in professional roles within the advertising industry were identified.
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