Impacto recaudatorio en el estado de San Luis Potosí en la abrogación de la Ley impuesto sobre tenencia o uso de vehículos en el año 2012.

In 1962 at Mexico created a new car tax called Tenancies. The reason of these tax was the olympic games and the goberment didn´t have enought Money to developed them and these tax was the most quinckly and factible form to get the resourses. Since these time these tax has been exist and had been maked another functions like served the goberment to grow up for some economic crisis.The choise of this issue is in orden to demostrated how impact to SLP state finances put off this tax car mediantly a president decret.Although you can observe the metod to get it information like an interview, to formulated the ideas to make a better andobjetive point of the theme.For the finish of these investigation you can find the discution of diferent points of view betwen congress, organitations and politic men in conclutions you can see the process to made it the lent of car tax and the provee about the hypotesis of theseinvestigation. Like a final review we show the biography consulted in this investigation.
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