"Challenges in the management of fractures in osteopetrosis"! Review of literature and technical tips learned from long-term management of seven patients.

Abstract Osteopetrosis is a metabolic disorder with diminished bone resorption due to osteoclastic abnormality. It causes hard and brittle marble bone which fractures easily. Most of these fractures can be treated conservatively. Operative intervention when needed presents with unique technical challenges. While osteopetrotic hard bone may be penetrated with a drill bit; high friction and prolonged drilling can make the drill bit blunt. The heat generated can cause bone necrosis and break the drill bit. Besides this, brittleness of bones can cause intra-operative fractures. Due to the difficulties during the operation, the operative time may be prolonged thereby increasing the risk of post-operative infection. There is also a risk of delay in consolidation and non-union owning to impaired bone remodelling. We present an account of seven patients treated for various fracture related problems occurring throughout their life due to this disease. Difficulties encountered during their treatment prompted us to present some general management principles.
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