Farmers' perception on the use of inorganic fertilizer in yam production on Eroded soils of South Eastern Nigeria.

Received: Revised: Accepted: July 10, 2013 August 15, 2013 October 08, 2013 The study focused Farmers’ perception on the use of inorganic fertilizer in Yam production on eroded soils of Southeastern Nigeria. It specifically determined the influence of socio-economic characteristics of yam producers on inorganic fertilizer use, determined factors affecting farmers’ use of inorganic fertilizer, ascertained farmer perception on inorganic fertilizer use, and extent of closeness of the problems or attributes and the use of inorganic fertilizer. Three States (Abia, Anambra and Imo) were purposively selected among others in the study area. Sixty farmers (Yam producers) were randomly selected from the selected states. A set of structured questionnaire was used to sort for primary data. Analysis was carried out using percentages, chi-square, regression model and contingency coefficient (c). Results showed that crop yield, availability of fertilizer, easy of procurement, skill of application, soil condition, income level of farmers were among factors that influence inorganic fertilizer use. Socioeconomic factors of the farmers determined up to 81% variations in the quantity of fertilizer used. Annual income and experience were significant at 1% level, while age and farm size were significant at 5% level. High cost, inadequate extension services, skill of application, difficulty of obtaining fertilizers were some of the major problems of fertilizer use in the study area. Determining the degree of association between the two attributes, the value of coefficient was 0.487 indicating that degree of association between them was upto 49% showing that stated constraints contributed significantly to the use of inorganic fertilizer. The null hypotheses postulated were all rejected. The study recommends increase extension services to famers to enable them appreciate the need to use inorganic fertilizer for this improves their perception about the product.
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