Impact of C 5+ ion beam on Dy activated Sr 2 B 5 O 9 Cl TL phosphor

Sr2B5O9Cl: Dy phosphor was synthesized by modified solid state diffusion method and the impact of C5+ ion-beam on its TL behavior was studied in detail. Phosphor was annealed at 1000 °C for obtaining single phase host. XRD technique was used to confirm the formation of the material and was matched with JCPDS-27-08835. The synthesized phosphor was characterized for photoluminescent spectra. Characteristic emission at 484 nm (4F9/2→6H15/2) and 575 nm (4F9/2→6H13/2) confirms the presence of Dy3+ ions in the Sr2B5O9Cl host matrix. Further TL properties of the synthesized material were studied for fluence range 1.5 × 1011–30 × 1011 ion/cm2 (i.e. 40.14–802.9 kGy dose) of C5+ ion-beam (75 MeV) and were found to show the non linear behavior between a dose range 40.14–802.9 kGy. TL glow curve for Sr2B5O9Cl:Dy irradiated with C5+ ion-beam (75 MeV) was compared with that of γ-ray irradiated phosphor. TRIM/SRIM calculations were performed to correlate the changes in TL properties of Sr2B5O9Cl:Dy phosphor.
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