PRODUCAO DE CERVEJAS ADOCICADAS: CARACTERIZACAO FISICO-QUIMICA, SENSORIAL E ENERGETICA   VITOR MASSAMI IMAIZUMI¹, RICARDO FIGUEIRA¹, MARIA MARCIA PEREIRA SARTORI¹, WALDEMAR GASTONI VENTURINI FILHO¹   ¹Departamento de Producao Vegetal, Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas (Avenida Universitaria, 3780, Altos do Paraiso, CEP 18610-034, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brasil);;;   RESUMO: O objetivo do trabalho foi produzir cervejas adocicadas utilizando xarope de jabuticaba (Tratamento 1) e acucar + caramelo (Tratamento 2), e caracteriza-las fisico-quimica, energetica e sensorialmente. O experimento contou com dois tratamentos e tres repeticoes. As amostras foram fabricadas pelo metodo de infusao. A fermentacao transcorreu a temperatura de 10 °C ± 1, sendo as cervejas posteriormente envasadas e adicionadas de xarope de jabuticaba e acucar/caramelo em quantidades necessarias para alcancar 10 °Plato de extrato aparente. As bebidas foram refermentadas em garrafas para carbonatacao (primming) e pasteurizadas. As cervejas foram analisadas fisico-quimicamente para os parâmetros de teor alcoolico, extrato real, extrato aparente, cor, amargor, turbidez, pH, acidez total e gas carbonico. As bebidas foram analisadas sensorialmente por meio de escala hedonica estruturada de nove pontos. A analise estatistica foi realizada por analise de variância e as medias dos resultados das analises fisico-quimicas foram comparadas por teste de Tukey e as medianas dos resultados da analise sensorial comparadas por teste de Kruskal-Wallis. O tratamento 1 se diferenciou do tratamento 2 nos parâmetros de cor e turbidez. Sensorialmente, o tratamento 1 apresentou a mesma aceitabilidade que o tratamento 2. Nao houve diferenca no valor energetico entre os dois tratamentos.   Palavras-chave: bebida alcoolica, myrciaria cauliflora, artesanal, malzbier.   SWEET BEER PRODUCTION: PHYSICOCHEMICAL, SENSORY AND ENERGY EVALUATION   ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to produce sweet beers using jabuticaba syrup (Treatment 1) and sugar + caramel (Treatment 2), and perform physicochemical, energy and sensory analysis. The experiment was composed of two treatments and three replicates. Samples were made by infusion. The fermentation was conducted at 10 °C ± 1, and the beers were bottled and added with jabuticaba syrup and sugar/caramel in a necessary amount to reach 10 °Plato of clear extract. The beers were bottle conditioned for carbonation (primming) and pasteurized. The beers were physiochemically analyzed for the parameters of alcohol content, real extract, clear extract, color, bitterness, turbidity, pH, total acidity, and carbon dioxide. The samples were submitted to sensory analysis by using 9-points hedonic scale. Statistical analysis of the results was performed through analysis of variance and the means of the physicochemical analyzes were compared by Tukey's test and the medians of the sensory analysis were compared by Kruskal-Wallis test. Treatment 1 differed from treatment 2 in color and turbidity parameters. In sensory test, treatment 1 presented the same acceptability treatment 2. There was no difference in the energy value between the two treatments.   Keywords: alcoholic beverage, myrciaria cauliflora, craft beer, malzbier.
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