Характеристика физиологической адаптации человека при различных режимах пребывания в нормобарических гипоксических средах, снижающих пожароопасность объектов ВМФ

Purpose is an increasing the fire hazard of sealed inhabitated Navy objects through the creation of normobaric hypoxic breathable gas environment. Materials and methods . In the first series of studies, 6 men (22–53 years) daily, for four hours, for 60 days were in the environment of the following content: [O 2 ]=16–17%, [СO 2 ]=0,3–0,8%, N 2 — the rest. In the second series of studies, 6 men (25– 53 years) continuously for 100 days were in the environment of the following content: [O 2 ]=19%, [СO 2 ]=0,3–0,8%, N 2 — the rest. Daily, for 4 hours, men of the second group performed works in the environment with the oxygen content of 16–17%. Results and discussion . Stay in hypoxic environments did not lead to «failure of adaptation” in any of the examined. A gradual increase in resistance to hypoxia was observed due to adaptive changes, greater in individuals who were continuously in hypoxic conditions. Conclusion . The results of the work confirm the perspectiveness of using hypoxic environments in the tested modes to increase the fire safety of the energy-rich inhabited objects of the Navy.
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