‘Hidden in the Havoc’ Hydrological Solutions and the Need for Innovative Studies into Extreme Events.

Managing water resources is a very complex and difficult exercise,  because demand for water is always on the increase, while its distribution and availability is uneven, coupled with a lot of unpredictable variations. Often times managing the vagaries of water  becomes a dangerous exercise too. Extreme water events like floods, thunder storms and avalanches may even cause danger to the lives of those involved in the management of the same, besides the victims themselves. Moreover it is extremely strange and interesting to note that  that the havoc created by those extreme events resulting from wild  and unpredictable  changes in the state and flow of water, consistently carry hidden solutions to the problem of managing those events. This peculiar phenomenon being  unique  only to water related havocs,  calls-for mechanisms  that will keep a full record of each extreme event  for  a  later  exploration for finding  those solutions.
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