Hematological and Serum Biochemical Changes with Age in Term Fetuses, Offspring and Dams in Normal Sprague-Dawley Rats

: Hematological and serum biochemical values of dams and offspring of Sprague-Dawley rats were measured during late gestation, lactation and postweaning. In dams, slightly low erythrocytic parameters, high platelets and high frequency of neutrophils were seen after parturition although WBC showed no marked changes. On Day 20 of gestation, glucose and triglycerides were extremely high and TP and albumin were low. These changes may be attributed to pregnancy or parturition. In fetuses on Day 20 of gestation and offspring immediately after birth, erythrocytes showed anisocytosis, polychromasia, basophilic stipplings and Howell-Jolly bodies and erythroblasts were found. RBC was low. MCV and MCH were extremely high, compared to adult erythrocyte levels. Hemoglobin and hematocrit slightly decreased before weaning. RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit increased with age and reached adult levels by Day 56. MCV and MCH values decreased, towards adult levels, until weaning. Platelets rapidly increased and reached adult levels before weaning. WBC increased after birth having higher counts in males than in females on Day 35 and thereafter. Glucose, TP and albumin increased with age and reached adult levels by Day 28. ALP was high in fetuses and changed with age having two peaks similar to those reported in man. Cholesterols gradually increased after birth and had a peak on Day 14. Urea nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus and calcium were slightly high in fetuses and preweaned offspring. Potassium was high in fetuses but no age-related trends were seen in offspring.
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