Nivel de competencia del cirujano general

Objective: To investigate and identify the current competence of the practice of general surgery and to integrate a proposal regarding regulation of the practice of this specialty. Data collection: Nine editorial sources related to the subject were identified. Selection of studies: The information related to the academic development of the surgeon, its level of competence, and existing regulations on its practice in our country was chosen. Results: The historical antecedents of the development of surgery from the V century A.C. to the XX century are briefly described, emphasizing on the main events that contributed to the advancement of the specialty. In the current practice of general surgery it is a priority to define the scope and competence of the general surgeon; the scope has been defined, hence, the general surgeon must master the knowledge in the diagnosis areas, pre-operative operative and post-operative management, and the complications of nine areas of the economy, to which, according to our point of view, areas such as endoscopic surgery, geriatric surgery, ethical aspects, and medical-legal formation should be added. It is now a priority to define, based on the current evolution of surgery, the competence of the general surgeon and to implement the new regulations for his/her activity. Conclusion: A consensus among surgeons and the diverse organisms regulating their professional performance in Mexico must be reached to elaborate the corresponding regulations for the practice of general surgery in Mexico. Resumen Proposito: Investigar e identificar la competencia actual de la practica de la cirugia general e integrar una propuesta relacionada con la reglamentacion de la practica de esta especialidad. Obtencion de los datos: Se identificaron nueve fuentes editoriales en relacion al tema. Seleccion de los estudios: Se selecciono la informacion relativa a desarrollo academico del cirujano, su nivel de competencia y normatividad de su practica
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