The effect of two mycorrhizal fungi upon growth and nutrition of avocado seedlings grown with six fertilizer treatments.

ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Mycorrhizae, vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae, soil microbiology ABSTRACT. Seedlings of 'Topa Topa' avocado (Persea americana Mill.) were grown in steamed loamy sand soil with no fertilizer, complete fertilizer (N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Mo, B), -P, -Zn, -P and -Zn, and -Zn+10xP (640 ppm P). Seedlings were inoculated separately with one of 2 isolates of Glomus fasciculatus (Thaxter) Gerd. & Trappe (GF) or were inoculated with a water filtrate of the mycorrhizal inoculum plus autoclaved mycorrhizal inoculum. Growth of mycorrhizal seedlings was 49-254% larger than nonmycorrhizal avocados except at the -Zn+10xP regime where mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal avocados were of similar size. Both mycorrhizal isolates increased absorption of N, P, and Cu at all fertilizer treatments and absorption of Zn was increased with all fertilizer treatments by one mycorrhizal isolate. Fertilization with P did not alter P concentrations in leaves of nonmycorrhizal plants but increased P concentrations in leaves of mycorrhizal seedlings. Fertilization with 10xP increased P concentrations in both mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal seedlings. One GF isolate appeared to be superior to the other based on mineral nutrition of the host avocados. Differences between the isolates apparently were related to their rate of growth or ability to infect. Poor growth of avocado seedlings in steamed or fumigated soil can be related to poor mineral nutrition due to the destruction of mycorrhizal fungi.
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