The influence of reserpine on the responsiveness to norepinephrine and electrolyte contents of rabbit atria.

: This study was designed to investigate the relationships between reserpine-induced supersensitivity and electrolyte levels in isolated rabbit atria. Atria from reserpine-treated (1, 3 or 4 mg/kg 24 hr before) and untreated rabbits were placed in an isolated organ bath for determination of dose-response relationships for norepinephrine, or were used for electrolyte assay. Reserpine-treated atria had greater resting and maximum rates of beat than did untreated atria. However, the ED50 concentrations of norepinephrine producing a rate response were similar. Atria pretreated with 1 or 3 mg/kg reserpine were supersensitive to the inotropic effect of norepinephrine. 4 mg/kg reserpine did not induce inotropic supersensitivity. Atrial sodium contents were significantly increased by 3 mg/kg reserpine. Potassium contents were increased by 1 and 4 mg/kg reserpine. Calcium contents were significantly decreased by 4 mg/kg reserpine, while magnesium contents were increased by 1 and 4 mg/kg. Reserpine induced supersensitivity to the inotropic effects of norepinephrine but did not alter the sensitivity to the chronotropic effect of the drug. This supersensitivity may be linked to alterations in the tissue's homeostatic mechanisms for calcium.
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