The presence and the activity of egg-parasitoids of pine proccesionary moth ( Thaumetopea pityocampa Den & Schiff) in new forests of Austrian pine ( Pinus nigra Arn.) in Korça, Kolonja e Pogradec districts, Albania

The pine proccesionary moth ( Thaumetopea pityocampa Den & Schiff) is without doubt one of the most dangerous insects (pests) of pine forests in Albania. The observations regarding the presence and the activit y of egg-parasitoids of the pine proccesionary moth ( Thaumetopea pityocampa Den & Schiff) in the new stands of Austrian (black) pine ( Pinus nigra Arn.) in the districts of Korca, Kolonja e Pogradec , Albania, clary the role of the egg-parasitoids in restriction of proccesonary popu lation in these zones. From egg-batches collected in three Au strian (black) pine stands were taken into consideration, and were observed Ocencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet), Baryscapus servadeii (Dom), and Trichogramma embryophagum (Htg.). Baryscapus servadeii (Dom) has been the most efficacious on egg-batches, colle cted in Austrian (black) pine ( Pinus nigra ) stands in the districts of Kolonja and Pogradec, while Ocencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) has been the most efficacious on egg-batch es, collected in Austrian (black) pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) stands in the district of Korca. Trichogramma embryophagum (Htg.) on the contrary, even that was observed in three Au strian (black) pine ( Pinus nigra Arn.) stands, and it has a modest activity. In complex th e mortality from several causes of examinated eggs has moved form 24. 3 % in the district of the Pogrdec to 35.72 % in the district of the Korca, and 32.42 % in the district of the Kolonja.
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