Effects of different samples of reproducible noise on detection of a 20‐Hz‐wide interaural phase shift centered on 500 Hz

Subjects’ thresholds were first determined for detection of an interaural phase shift of a 20‐Hz band of equal‐amplitude wideband noise. The narrow‐band target was centered on 500 Hz, and generated a dichotic, Huggins‐type pitch. A diotic band of either 100, 125, 150, or 900 Hz symmetrically surrounded the target band. Interaural phases for frequency components outside of the diotic band were drawn randomly from a rectangular distribution. After thresholds were determined via a tracking procedure, 20 independent samples were generated for each condition at each subject’s threshold. A two‐interval forced choice task was used in which each interval was comprised of a 250‐ms forward fringe followed by a 250‐ms observation period. Sixty trials were presented in a block with each sample presented three times. Order of presentation was randomized across runs and each sample was presented a total of 96 times. P(C) ranged from chance (50%) to over 90% across samples having identical interaural parameters. In cond...
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