On Channel Resolvability in Presence of Feedback

We study the problem of generating an approximately i.i.d. string at the output of a discrete memoryless channel using a limited amount of randomness at its input in presence of causal noiseless feedback. Feedback does not decrease the channel resolution, the minimum entropy rate required to achieve arbitrarily accurate approximation of an i.i.d. output string. However, we show that, at least over a binary symmetric channel, in presence of feedback, a significantly larger resolvability exponent (the exponential decay rate of the divergence between the output distribution and product measure), compared to the best known achievable resolvability exponent in a system without feedback, is possible. We show that by employing a variable-length resolvability scheme and using an average number of $R$ coin-flips per channel use, the average divergence between the distribution of the output sequence and product measure decays exponentially fast in the average length of output sequence with an exponent equal to $[R-I(U;V)]^+$ where $I(U;V)$ is the mutual information developed across the channel.
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