Lässt sich individuelles Problemverhalten durch das Niveau an Verhaltensschwierigkeiten unter den Mitschülern vorhersagen? Ergebnisse einer Querschnittstudie und ihre Relevanz für die Frage einer integrativen vs. separativen Beschulung verhaltensauffälliger Schüler

Studies conducted in primary schools give evidence, that classroom composition concerning antisocial behaviour might influence individual behavioural pathways. In this cross-sectional study, it is tested, if such findings might also apply to students in lower secondary schools (7thto 9th-grades). In a sample of 493 students, it was found, that the level of antisocial behaviour within the personal peer environment (mean of all classmate's behaviour without individual value) significantly predicts individual aggressive-oppositional and delinquent-criminal behaviours. This remains true, even when controlling for sex, antisocial attitudes, academic track and grade. Interaction effects show a special impact of the classroom peer environment on the behaviour of boys and students with positive attitudes towards delinquent-criminal behaviour. The results of this study indicate a significant relationship between classmates" and individual behaviour. They are discussed in the light of research on 112 Christoph Michael Muller, Verena Hofmann und Felix Studer class composition and the question of adequate educational placements for students with antisocial behaviours.
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