Perbedaan Mood Ditinjau dari Kebiasaan Berolahraga

The aim of this comparative quantitative research is to see the difference of mood based on the stage of exercise. Mood refers to an affective state or process that has no object or only feeling, shifting object, or that has the environment as applicants whole object. Mood can be influenced by some factors. One of them is exercise. Exercise is a life style choice. There are five stages of exercise. First, presently exercise on a regular basis and have been doing so for longer than six months. Second, presently exercise on a regular basis, but only begun doing so within the past six months. Third, presently get some exercise, but not regularly. Fourth, presently do not exercise, but have been thinking about starting to exercise within the next six months. Fifth, presently do not exercise and do not plan to start exercising in the next six months. Exercise and
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